Monday, September 3, 2012

Level 8 - In a 2-Bit Hotel

Last Week's Quests - Failed!
I'm really trying to get use to this hotel job, but it's growing rather strange. My coworkers are stranger than anything. There is that one guy that trained me, Jim, and he continues to mutter how I should change my method in approaching tasks before reiterating that he still isn't my boss.  He isn't so bad, but I don't understand him. I also work this weird goth chick named Reina that kind of just stares at me. It's very strange. She doesn't talk, just stares. In terms of last week's quests, I have began infuriating my boss somewhat. I screwed up on a few things because my training wasn't that great. When he approached me saying, "WHY DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THIS?!" I would respond with, "I know, this is crazy, right?"

On a lighter note, I became friends with someone that works at the front desk (that isn't Stan).

Item Acquired - Free Admission tickets to Strip Club

Not only did I make this new friend at the front desk, but I figured out a way to cheer up my friend Paul. Also, I have made friends with a guy in the laundry department and a girl that works as bellhop so that will be fun, exploring new friendships.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Go to strip club with Paul
  • Get to know the bellhop girl
  • Try to make Reina talk
  • Write for fun
To Be Continued...

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