Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Level 16 - Damned Music Stores

In an effort to take my mind off of all that has been happening to me, I decided to take up a musical instrument. I went to this music store near my house. They had everything: guitars, drums, accordions, harmonicas... everything. I tried a few things out and nothing was working for me.

When trying drums, I accidentally lost the stick and hit someone with it.

Accordion is annoying apparently.

And guitar... well, there were far too many other players in the store that were much better.

After meandering about a bit, I found this door that looked like it was attached to nothing and, being curious, I walked through it. For some reason there was there was this treasure chest in there, I shit you not, a real treasure chest. I opened it using this crowbar shaped key I found. Inside it there was this flute. Now, I know what you're thinking: a dude playing a flute, that guy might be a little "bridge & tunnel." I say to you, shove it.

Anyway, throwing caution, and health codes, to the wind, I blew into the flute and it transported me to this desert island filled with nothing but tunnels. I don't mean a bunch of hot women, I literally mean large green pipes...like out of some plumbers wet dream. After being there for what felt like for freaking ever, I jumped into one and I ended up in the music store again...months into the future. The future is a jacked up place. Just throwing that out there.

To be continued...

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