Monday, September 24, 2012

Level 11 - Ghost-Busty's

Last Week's Quests - Success!
Finally, the quest for Madam Nasty's Gentleman's Club has been achieved!

Achievement Unlocked! - Irony in Advertising (2 GP)

It was an eye opening experience and very telling of myself. Paul and I walked and immediately there were girls in their underwear. My knee jerk reaction was to look away and apologize. It was only later that I relaxed enough to realize this is their "uniform." The hard part about being there was that I kept thinking in terms of girls that are and aren't my type....that and I forgot everything I learned about proper etiquette in a strip club. I tried getting Paul to get a lap dance from one of the girls, but he was too shy. Instead, I decided to give it a try.

It was entertaining and maddening at the same time.

A lot of the time I was distracted by this super pale woman there. She seemed really nice, but I never had a chance to talk to her. I suppose I will have to attempt going another time. Not too soon though. That place is expensive.

I got to go to the library as well and the girl there seemed pretty busy as well. Apparently, it was children's week and these schools would come in to visit and have story time. In terms of a hobby, I have taken up the game Minecraft...the free version. It is a pretty interesting game...when I'm not having my buildings destroyed by schmucks. I will attempt this some more, but we will see if it stays my hobby.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Attempt Minecraft some more
  • Hang with some friends
  • Attempt to write
To Be Continued...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Level 10 - Of Owls and Women

Last Week's Quests - Failed!
Turns out that the strip club was a bit of a bust. No, it still exists, but the story is a little more interesting than that. As it turns out, Paul has been raised to basically be a Paladin. His parents sent him to parochial schools since he was five years old and he just graduated from a private college that highly focuses on religion. He didn't end up wanting to go to the strip club, which was cool because it made me realize I didn't know what to expect from the club either.

Instead, I low-balled him into going to Hooters, which was great because he thought it was another type of strip club. I took him and entire families were there. Though it made me realize that I had never been there while single and began thinking about my ex. I should probably email her again and apologize. When I was there I thought of a good ad campaign for the restaurant: Come for the tits. Stay for tits despite the food being horrible.

Good news though. I did get to know the bellhop girl a little more. As it turns out, she is fantastically least that's what the cute bartender told me. There is this mini-bartender girl that looks like Tina Fey and she is really funny. As it turns out, she is friends with a few strippers and gave me something very important...

Item Acquired - Knowledge on Proper Strip Club Etiquette

Reina still doesn't talk. She is kind of is like a robot: all business and no play. Part of me wants to nickname her R2-D2, but I feel that is giving her too much credit in cool points. Instead, I shall name her R-3PO.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Attempt to go to strip club once more.
  • Go to the library
  • Find something to occupy time...a hobby?
To Be Continued...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Level 9 - Leisure Suit Dave

Last Week's Quests - Failed!
I planned to get a lot done this week, but I realized too late that I had made plans already to go to a friend's wedding. The wedding was pretty amazing in a fantastically nerdy way. My friend walked up the aisle to a song John Williams wrote for Star Wars. Weddings are great for the sole premise hanging out with women in dresses and attempting to get their phone number...and this wedding was no different. My friend was fantastically cool enough to invite several of her single cousins and tried to introduce me to them.

Cousin #1 - While too tall for me, she was pretty amazing. We danced, but then she found a guy more her height to dance with.

Cousin #2 - This one was a bit too short on attention span for me and so I ignored her completely.

Cousin #3 - Wasn't so bad, but she was married so it was a no-go.

The cousins ended up being somewhat disappointing, but the party was fantastic overall. I even hit on one of the bartenders. She was pretty amazing, but anyone that serves me kitty cocktails for free all night is sure enough to win me over. Especially when they are wearing a mini-skirt. Unfortunately I didn't get her number, but who cares? I had fun and that is all that matters. As for next week, it looks like I will be continuing my quests from last week.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Go to strip club with Paul
  • Get to know the bellhop girl
  • Try to make Reina talk
  • Write for fun
To Be Continued...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Level 8 - In a 2-Bit Hotel

Last Week's Quests - Failed!
I'm really trying to get use to this hotel job, but it's growing rather strange. My coworkers are stranger than anything. There is that one guy that trained me, Jim, and he continues to mutter how I should change my method in approaching tasks before reiterating that he still isn't my boss.  He isn't so bad, but I don't understand him. I also work this weird goth chick named Reina that kind of just stares at me. It's very strange. She doesn't talk, just stares. In terms of last week's quests, I have began infuriating my boss somewhat. I screwed up on a few things because my training wasn't that great. When he approached me saying, "WHY DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THIS?!" I would respond with, "I know, this is crazy, right?"

On a lighter note, I became friends with someone that works at the front desk (that isn't Stan).

Item Acquired - Free Admission tickets to Strip Club

Not only did I make this new friend at the front desk, but I figured out a way to cheer up my friend Paul. Also, I have made friends with a guy in the laundry department and a girl that works as bellhop so that will be fun, exploring new friendships.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Go to strip club with Paul
  • Get to know the bellhop girl
  • Try to make Reina talk
  • Write for fun
To Be Continued...