Sunday, August 4, 2013

Level 19 - Is it Sci Fi or Siffee?

Lately, I have been taking in a lot of TV to see what is going on in the world, but no matter what I do I keep coming back to what was formerly the Sci Fi channel, now Syfy. I'm still confused about this, how did Science Fiction become Syence Fyctyon? I'm still not sure how improper spelling got into play, but that aside, that channel has had some interesting shows on it.

Status Effect: [Annoyance]

Recently, I started watching Paranormal Witness, a show that interviews people having shared or connected events in their life that are paranormal. Think of it like America's Most Wanted except what happens has ghosts or monsters. I was watching a few episodes last night and the show is full-on hysterical because some of the episodes are cliche and some are extremely easy to break apart with logic.

The first episode I saw was the story of two brothers living on a farm and visiting a nearby barn that belonged to their uncle. Apparently, the basement of the barn had a well which one of the brothers went into as a kid and had heard a voice. Later on they shared mutual  dreams about that barn. Even one of them was sleep walking to it. After some time, the brother's wife and daughters were haunted by this apparition and even at one point kidnapped his baby daughter. In the end, the family sold the farm and, some years later, the haunted barn was burned down.

Looking at this story logically, we can undo the majority of that paranormal activity involved. A boy goes into a well and hears things...a well with resounding acoustics. Or a brother having a bad dream that leads him to sleep walk again shares the dream with this brother. Of course, the brother could have had a similar dream another night after hearing about it. How about the baby being stolen? We know that one of the brothers sleep walks. Who is to say that he didn't take the baby outside during a sleep walking episode?

Don't get me wrong, a lot of these stories lead to some interesting dramatizations, but some of the stories are easy to destroy with logic.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Level 18 - Throwing Upon Pixies

Another long day at the hotel yielded to a strong desire to have some fun of my own. I have learned a funny thing about weddings: aside from everything who isn't the bride or groom thinking that it is their special day, there is a distinctive amount of underwear found underneath tables that is inversely proportionate to the amount of "Woo-Girls" invited. Anyway, one day, after picking up three pairs of panties and avoiding picking up what I'm almost certain was a soiled "napkin" I called up a few friends to take me out somewhere. I'm used to my friends taking me to random bars or whatever, but was more concerned when they decided to take me to a bar in the back wooded, nowhere town known as Clyman.

The town is small, out of the way, and kind of surrounded by pine trees, making it not very visible from the lonesome county highway it resides along. A white church with a tall steeple marks the entrance to the town. Down that road is a small school house, and a few stores, one of which is named The Hardware Store. As it
turns out, there weren't hammers or nails in there, just a bevy of half naked women and hicks. My buddy Mike ended up getting pretty interested in this tiny girl named Pixie whose dance routine involved climbing onto a ceiling beam and humping it. On her urging, he got wasted and then purchased a champagne room. I don't know if you know this, but a champagne room is just a 30 minute long lap dance that costs way more than it should.

The problem with him buying the champagne room while drunk, is that when he drinks his drunk logic becomes infallible. For some reason, after purchasing this overpriced dance, he decides to wait until she comes to him. She didn't know about this dance so he continued trying to maintain his buzz, in which time Pixie found someone else to coerce into a champagne room. That guy ends up buying one too and it is then that Pixie finds out she has to perform two of these after each other. Drunk logic in mind, Don Juan di Mike-o decides to be a gentleman and wait for some reason. Finally, it comes the time with the first dance is done and Mike goes in for his dance. Mind you, his dance is 30 minutes, but the bar is closing in about 10 minutes. So it is getting late, and we are all waiting for Mike to get out of the champagne room and about 13 minutes into his dance the Pixie flies out of the room completely dressed and worried. Turns out Mike vomited on the girl.

Coming up next week, I will tell you the story of the time I didn't vomit on a stripper.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Level 17 - You Don't Know Jackie

Having missed quite a bit since this past October, I decided to look online for what has changed. Apparently Hollywood has run out of good ideas and are reaching for the scripts in the Wal-Mart $5 bin, politics have become laughably ridiculous, and, for some reason, people still give a rat's crap about Stephenie Meyers' writing. Aside from that, I looked back in to the dating website and I can sure say it was interesting.

Status Effect: [Ego Boost]

It lead to a few...interesting dates.

Status Effect Removed

It's a funny thing about going on dates with people from a website. Everything is like Jeopardy, you spend so much time taking this crash course in getting to know someone, you meet them, and then fumble between figuring out what to ask and figuring out what you know. It is kind of strange, but I'm sure it can work at some point. I'm not really keen on worrying about it now, I need to see what else there is around to offer.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Level 16 - Damned Music Stores

In an effort to take my mind off of all that has been happening to me, I decided to take up a musical instrument. I went to this music store near my house. They had everything: guitars, drums, accordions, harmonicas... everything. I tried a few things out and nothing was working for me.

When trying drums, I accidentally lost the stick and hit someone with it.

Accordion is annoying apparently.

And guitar... well, there were far too many other players in the store that were much better.

After meandering about a bit, I found this door that looked like it was attached to nothing and, being curious, I walked through it. For some reason there was there was this treasure chest in there, I shit you not, a real treasure chest. I opened it using this crowbar shaped key I found. Inside it there was this flute. Now, I know what you're thinking: a dude playing a flute, that guy might be a little "bridge & tunnel." I say to you, shove it.

Anyway, throwing caution, and health codes, to the wind, I blew into the flute and it transported me to this desert island filled with nothing but tunnels. I don't mean a bunch of hot women, I literally mean large green out of some plumbers wet dream. After being there for what felt like for freaking ever, I jumped into one and I ended up in the music store again...months into the future. The future is a jacked up place. Just throwing that out there.

To be continued...