Monday, August 20, 2012

Level 6 - Echo Screen Romance

Last Week's Quests - Completed!

It has been a few days and I still haven't heard anything from the Ad company, but who knows, things might go my way still. There hasn't been much to do besides keep myself occupied with looking for work, writing, reading. I finished Lamb by Christopher Moore and it is hysterical. It's about Jesus growing up with his goofball best friend. Returning it to the library was interesting because there is this girl that works there who I'm pretty sure I know from when I used to work on campus. Does anyone happen to know hot to hit on a librarian?

Used Item - Book Lamb

Status Effect - [Echo Screen]

Sure, a nurse is simple to hit on, you get sick and talk to her whenever she comes in. Does that work with librarians or do they shush you for talking in a library? Even still, what is there to talk about besides books and the Dewey decimal system? Do I ask her if you can make a late night deposit in her book slot? I don't know!

This week I decided to meet up with an old friend that I haven't seen in roughly a year.As it turns out my friend, Paul, had recently been left by his fiancee. I had never seen someone so down, I didn't know what to do. We ended up playing video games and watching TV.

Aside from that, my buddy Stan said he could help me get a job. We will see what happens with that. It appears I have my work cut out for me this week.

This Week's Quests: 
  • Devise ways to cheer up Paul
  • Visit Stan's work
  • Write for fun 
To Be Continued...

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