Monday, August 13, 2012

Level 5 - Super Dave Cart

Last Week's Quests - Completed!

I think I can finally understand why people say job interviews are stressful. The entire week was spent writing copy and attempting to perfect it. It got to the point that I was thinking up copy about the soap in the shower.

Status Effect - [Stressed]

Everything had been all set up for the day of the interview. I had my portfolio on the table, clothes set out, and I was somewhat well rested. The problem came when I got dressed only to find out that my either my suit had shrunk or I grew. This lead to frantic racing to the store to find a cheap suit followed by racing back home to retrieve the portfolio I left behind. Sometimes I wish had a turtle shell to throw at the stop lights that take too damn long.

 Item Acquired - New Suit 

New Suit - Equipped

Anyway, the interview went well. I gave it my all, but I was asked a series of stupid questions. Aren't interviewers supposed to ask stuff like what is your greatest strength/weakness? I got questions like, "Can you tell me a time where you didn't want to work and a team and how you dealt with it?" What the hell kind of question is that?! The rest of the questions were simple by comparison. Now I get to play the waiting game to see if they call.

In an effort to be a little more sociable I joined a friend for the Chicago Wizard-Con. It was amazing. I met Lou Ferrigno, Colin Ferguson, Dean Stockwell (personal hero), James Hong, and two Suicide Girls (whatever those are). I talked to Dean about how my dad and I used to watch Quantum Leap together and how much his work influenced me as a kid, he is just as cool as he was on that show. Lou was actually a very positive figure as well telling me to Keep it up. Colin is just as positive as he is on Eureka and I talked to him about his role in The Stupidest Angel, which he told me a secret about that I'm not supposed to share. James, by far, was the most hilarious. We talked about his movies, his fans, and Brett Favre. He is probably the coolest 80-year-old I've ever met.

Status Effect - [Glowing Awesomeness]

This Week's Quests: 
  • Wait for phone call from potential employer
  •  Write for fun
  • Finish & Return Lamb

To Be Continued...

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