Monday, July 23, 2012

Level 2 - Irony Mine

Last Week's Quest - Completed!

Achievement Unlocked! - Bachelorhood (5 GP)

Bachelorhood is what happens when you forget to check your personal email for several consecutive months. It comes after an email in which your girlfriend declares she is leaving for someone else because you are too distant.

You Obtained - Irony

This is ok. The addition of this nuance makes this adventure even grander. Most RPGs start off with a party where as I am starting off like Link, alone and with a wooden sword (that I fashioned out of some twigs earlier today in the park). Finding someone new to date is a new side quest on the road to adulthood.

In a different facet of my life, I've been beefing up my resume to send out to a few companies. I've researched a few companies and plan on sending out my credentials after I post this entry. Two of the companies are newspapers where a few others focus on me writing ad campaigns.

I realize I don't have much in the way of personal success right now, but I feel as though the world is my oyster. Things can go anyway I like provided I put the time in.

This Week's Quests:
  • Send out credentials to potential jobs
  • Go to bar
  • Obtain a girl's phone number.

To Be Continued...

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