Monday, July 30, 2012

Level 3 - Ghost Town, Ahoy

Last Week's Quest - Incomplete!

Don't get me wrong, two of the three quests were simple, but one needed a specific type of person. I sent out my credentials to several companies, which I have yet to hear back from, and I went to the bar on Thursday with a friend. Normally the bars are packed and cars line Main Street on a Thursday, but not this week. Everyone that went seemed content to walk and very few were out. Even the hookers and hobos seemed to find somewhere else to go. The only people to find at the bars were townies. Then I realized that most of my peers are probably working and are free on the weekend.

I went back Friday night, but it yielded the same results and, because of it, I spent part of Saturday reading a book from a library....

Item Acquired - Book Lamb

Except for when I went to go hang out with my artist friend Erik. He was doing sketches of superheroes for a showing of the new The Dark Knight Rises in a theater a few towns over. I even got to help and learned how to ink sketches.

Skill Acquired - Inking Lv 1

I had a lot of fun and the theater owner let us  see the new Batman movie for free. It was fantastic! I think it was a decent wrap up to the trilogy.

Status Effect - [Jubilation]

This Week's Quests: 
  • Attempt Writing
  • Read Lamb

To Be Continued...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Level 2 - Irony Mine

Last Week's Quest - Completed!

Achievement Unlocked! - Bachelorhood (5 GP)

Bachelorhood is what happens when you forget to check your personal email for several consecutive months. It comes after an email in which your girlfriend declares she is leaving for someone else because you are too distant.

You Obtained - Irony

This is ok. The addition of this nuance makes this adventure even grander. Most RPGs start off with a party where as I am starting off like Link, alone and with a wooden sword (that I fashioned out of some twigs earlier today in the park). Finding someone new to date is a new side quest on the road to adulthood.

In a different facet of my life, I've been beefing up my resume to send out to a few companies. I've researched a few companies and plan on sending out my credentials after I post this entry. Two of the companies are newspapers where a few others focus on me writing ad campaigns.

I realize I don't have much in the way of personal success right now, but I feel as though the world is my oyster. Things can go anyway I like provided I put the time in.

This Week's Quests:
  • Send out credentials to potential jobs
  • Go to bar
  • Obtain a girl's phone number.

To Be Continued...

Monday, July 16, 2012

Level 1 - The New World

Graduate from College - Quest Completed!

That is correct, I finally graduated from college this past May. I took a little time to myself and had some fun familiarizing myself with this thing I haven't been acquaintances with in some time: FUN. I popped in a few old video games and remembered what it was like to relax. After that,  I started to go outside a bit more. Then it arrived in my post box today.

Item Obtained - College Degree

It is said that this flimsy piece of paper in an ornate folder has the ability to grant me servitude to anyone that needs someone with my skill set.

 All I can say to that is, "Suck it everyone that isn't me!" It occurs to me that, in retrospect, middle school sucked compared to high school and college made high school look like a shitty teen drama. If math has failed me, and my teacher for it did once in high school, then by transitive property whatever this section of life is called is bound to be even better than college.  

How could I not want to chronicle these times?

These are the times where I job hunt, start an exciting new career, party with peers, take my girlfriend out to-- Crap! I just realized that I forgot to send an email back to my girlfriend...about seven months ago.

Quests of the Week:
  • Checking/Answering emails
  • Job Hunt

To Be Continued....